The 44th International Hanseatic Day in Gdańsk was an enjoyable event with some important instructions.

My grandmother was born in the 1920’s in a city-state called Danzig. It’s had a complicated history as part of many nations, including Germany, but it now is a Polish city with a rich, vibrant history and is known as Gdańsk.

To visit our homeland, my parents and my aunt have decided to visit this city for a lengthy vacation. They didn’t expect to come back home with a Poopable story.

Gdańsk is viewed as a symbol of change and progress due to its unique history, so this event, with the motto “Change Begins Here,” embraces the city’s history.

But when you want to keep a festival clean, sometimes you have to offer some bathroom instructions

While taking in the festivities, my family encountered the following, possibly too-obvious sign. It’s informative, but, as my father asked…is it necessary?

Apparently some people need to know how to use a urinal

I can’t say this wasn’t helpful, but I echoed the sentiment…who needs to know this?

Either way, hopefully this led to to a clean and refreshing bathroom experience!

Do you have any interesting bathroom signs you’ve encountered? Or did you find this helpful? Share your poopable stories with us here!

By Jeff G

In other organizations Jeff would be known as the Managing Editor. However at Poopable, he is the Head Creative Poo (HCP). His online writing has received hundreds of millions of views. Thankfully he has not had nearly as many bathroom breaks. Jeff prefers his bathroom clean and tranquil, which is ironic considering the amount of time he spends in dive bars.