April showers bring May flowers and temperate weather…but can be less Poopable for some.
Welcome to Pooping with the season, where were talk about the specific benefits and hazards of handling your (hopefully) daily business. Since we are in the midst of spring, we figured we should talk about how this short but delightful season can impact your bathroom habits!
Pollen effects more than just your sinuses
For those of us living in seasonal environments, we recognize spring as the time when rebirth begins in nature and blooming flowers lead to allergies.
And while not everyone suffers the runny noses or sneezing fits that allergies might cause, there is one potential aspect of the season that might impact your time on the throne.
Spring showers can cause bowel problems

According to WYNDLY, if you suffer from seasonal allergies you might be more susceptible to irregular bowel movements. Which means that spring might lead to you using a little more toilet paper and having a few more emergency situations.
Don’t feel bad – it happens to all of us.
Spring is a lovely time of the year. It’s filled with beautiful flowers and warm weather, all meant to bring us outside after suffering through a cold winter.
That weather is a lovely temperature for a poo. When your resting temperature is not too hot, and not too cold, it’s the perfect time to take care of business if you are encountering a normal movement, or a dramatic one.
If you were out in the woods on a nice May day, with a temperature of 65-degrees and a well-stocked outhouse, you’d be more likely to enjoy your time on the throne. A spring poo is the kind of poo that puts a spring in your step… so long as your allergies don’t get in the way.
That said, if you suffer from pollen-related distress during the spring months, which (thankfully) isn’t common there are some preventative measures you can take.
- Pepto-Bismol: It’s the most popular name in the game, but it does help keep you regular despite any allergic-based distress. It goes down smooth and silky, and we all can find these pink bottles in just about every grocery or convenience store out there.
- Loperamide: One of the treatments of loose stool is Loperamide, which can be available over-the-counter, and might need a prescription depending on where you live. But it can definitely help you with your spring poos, if you run into any issues.
- Imodium: The generic brand of Loperamide is another option that you can utilize if the season messes with your guts.
Ultimately, every season has some interesting effects on our digestive system. Spring brings brightness and warmth, which makes it a Poopable season…except when those with allergies suffer their struggles.
We just hope we can help those sufferers make it through the season.
Do the seasons affect your bowel movements? Poopable wants to hear from you! Drop a comment on the post or head over to the contact page and send us a note!