man yelling on a toilet while holding a brick

What do you do when you come home from a trip to find out your roommate failed to supply the all-important toilet paper?

At my last apartment, I had an interesting relationship with my roommate. We’re still good friends, but we had different approaches to “adulting.” I’m a bit of a slob when it comes to cleaning, so every few months he’d take an Adderall and deep-clean the place.

Meanwhile, he wasn’t good at the day-to-day things, so I was the person loading the dishwasher and taking out the trash. For the two years we lived together, this typically was a healthy symbiotic relationship.

That is, except for the one instance that led to “the brick night.”

I had gone home for the holidays, while he stayed at home. When I left, we had a healthy supply of toilet paper. Now, I typically am a fan of having at least one emergency roll on hand. When I left, we had at least four.

So when I came home after a few days away, I felt it was safe to assume that our shared throne was a safe place.

Now, I tend to be a pretty regular morning pooper, but after a weekend of holiday meals, I found myself needing to relieve myself around midnight that evening. As I rushed to the bathroom, my belly rumbling, I was mortified.

There was not a slice of toilet paper to be seen.

I was enraged.

It being a holiday weekend, late at night, there were no stores open that could alleviate the problem.

So I snapped. It remains the one and only time I’ve yelled at my then-roommate. But yell I did.

“DUDE! How do you not buy toilet paper when you’ve run out!? How much toilet paper did you even use? It’s been two days!”

My belly was gurgling, but I was more focused on my frustration with my roommate’s inability to handle a simple chore.

He apologized, but there was nothing either of us could do in the moment. I could have taken care of business and gone “European” with a shower bidet approach, but by now I was more concerned about teaching a lesson and making a point.

So I looked my roommate in the eyes, pointed at him, and said sternly, “When I wake up tomorrow, there better be a 12-pack of toilet paper in our bathroom. But until then…”

I now have to go to bed with this BRICK in my STOMACH

And listen. I’m a man of my word. So I did go to bed with that brick in my stomach.

I might have some impressive/horrific experience with holding in throne visits, but that doesn’t mean the night was a comfortable one. I squirmed. I shifted positions constantly. I was sweating profusely. This was like a hunger protest, and I did not yield.

I don’t recommend a night with a brick in the stomach, however.

When I woke up the next morning, my roommate was contrite. And had gone out to purchase the toilet paper I demanded.

When I unleashed the brick it was…a tad painful. But the relief I felt when I wiped and flushed more than made up for the pain.

And my roommate made sure we never ran out of toilet paper again.

By Jeff G

In other organizations Jeff would be known as the Managing Editor. However at Poopable, he is the Head Creative Poo (HCP). His online writing has received hundreds of millions of views. Thankfully he has not had nearly as many bathroom breaks. Jeff prefers his bathroom clean and tranquil, which is ironic considering the amount of time he spends in dive bars.