A family celebrating around a tower of toilet paper

What are cleaning ripples? Let your fresh butt answer the question

Skip the hefty spa day bill! Cottonelle Ultra Comfort Toilet Paper brings the spa experience right to your bathroom and… bottom.

Cottonelle is a popular brand of toilet paper and the Ultra Comfort variant is known for its softness and unique texture designed for effective cleaning. The “Cleaning Ripples” feature is meant to provide a superior clean. Think of the ripples as an extra layer of security for the potentially “messier” wipes.

Poopable has experienced Cottonelle’s flushable baby wipes and we have to say these are for sure a go-to companion for everyday use as well as travel. Amazon is presently running a decent sale on them for a multi-pack option.

Cottonelle is definitely a foundational brand in the TP racket. Their butt-wiping paper stands by the claim that it “leaves you comfortably dry with premium softness that cleans gently, removes moisture and is safe for sensitive skin.”

Lazy wiping can lead to fungal infections in the perianal region!

The worst thing a pooper can do is skimp on the time spent during the wiping process. Not wiping completely after a bowel movement can lead to a variety of hygiene and health issues. We’ll just go ahead and highlight several of these potential concerns, because we care!

  1. Poor Hygiene: Incomplete wiping can leave behind fecal residue, leading to poor personal hygiene and unpleasant odor.
  2. Skin Irritation: Residual fecal matter can irritate the delicate skin around the anus, causing discomfort and potential skin issues.
  3. Increased Risk of Infections: Lazy cleaning may increase the risk of bacterial or fungal infections in the perianal area.
  4. Unpleasant Odor: Poor cleaning can contribute to persistent bad odor, impacting personal and social interactions.
  5. Underwear Staining: Leftover fecal matter may stain underwear, leading to hygiene concerns and the need for more frequent clothing changes.
  6. Discomfort and Itching: Inadequate cleaning can result in persistent discomfort and itching, affecting daily activities and quality of life.
  7. Potential for Residual Bacteria: Fecal matter carries bacteria and incomplete cleaning may leave behind harmful bacteria, increasing the risk of infections.

If a pooper wants to ensure proper hygiene to prevent these issues, it’s essential to practice thorough and effective cleaning after a dump. Using quality toilet paper and if desired, incorporating moist wipes or bidets can contribute to a more comprehensive cleaning process.

Stocking-up on toilet paper is never wrong

A lot of poopers out there belong to a family of poopers. Yes we understand that everyone is a pooper and belongs to the greater pooper community. However, the family that we are referring to amount to a pooper’s immediate relatives.

A few of our staff members have at least two or more brothers and sisters. If there is one thing that we can all agree upon, it is that toilet paper in a multi-person family goes fast. Fortunately, Cottonellle is has bolstered their family pack to 24 rolls.

There are almost 3,000 customer reviews about the Ultra Comfort model of toilet paper on the Cottonelle website. It is no surprise to our staff that this ripply product scored a near perfect score of 4.7 stars from the world of poopers.

The major selling point for the family pack is that a pooper is getting 108 regular rolls for the price of twenty-four. While our staff would rather use the TP instead of unrolling it to verify this claim, we’ll just go-ahead and state that the estimation appears to be pretty accurate.

Is Cottonelle Poopable?

Amid celebration of flying rolls of toilet paper, our staff deems the Cottonelle’s Ultra Comfort, “The Ripple King.” Double-ply, ripple infused toilet paper is a luxury for any pooper or pooper family that won’t hurt the bank account.

Do yourself and your loved ones a favor and reach for this family pack the next time the household is running low on TP or generally appears to be somewhat irritated…

What do you think about Cottonelle? We’d love to hear your thoughts! Shoot us a note! Or drop a comment on this article or any others that flush your senses.

By Neil

Neil launched Poopable in 2023, making him the Poo Poo Presidente. After overcoming childhood public restroom anxiety, one of his proudest accomplishments is relieving himself on six continents and over two-dozen countries. His preferred bathroom includes a neutral scent, double ply toilet paper and a strong industrial flush. His trade secret to making any restroom poopable – baby wipes.