Angry man yelling in a german bar

I thankfully have not had many moments of distress while using the bathroom at Prost in Chicago, (Check out the review here). Since I have reviewed their accommodations, I should volunteer the fact that I am a bar trivia host at Prost, via Whaddayaknow? trivia in Chicago. (I also host at Graystone Tavern, a casual bar near Wrigley Field in Chicago, where I have not been so lucky in terms of bowel distress).

But I definitely had…an interesting interaction while hosting trivia at this fine institution.

Surprisingly, as a trivia host, you find yourself heckled every once in a while. Usually, it’s easy to shut it down. For example, once while I was hosting a weekday trivia event, a drunk individual just kept shouting “HOW DARE YOU?”

My response was prompt. “Your material needs work!” The heckler was laughed out of the room, and now regulars ironically repeat the phrase for a giggle while I am passing out trivia sheets.

So, the level of animosity I once encountered, from a couple, seemingly early in their courtship was…surprising to say the least.

I run trivia at Prost at the large table outside of the bathroom near the bar. So, whenever I need to sneak a quick bathroom break, I can do so while the rest of the audience works on their question.

One evening, I arrived a little later for the hosting gig, with only a few minutes to spare. Ultimately, I had to set up the PA system at a table, which is typically reserved for me by the bar staff.

On this fateful evening, a young woman was sitting at the table, along with four or so empty half-liter beer glasses.

With my usually, “I am about to enjoy my fun hobby,” smile, I greeted the patron.

“Hey there! I’m the trivia host. I have to set up here. There is another free table over there,” I said, while pointed at the very vacant four-chaired table.

She looked a little surprised, but changed tables. Then, five minutes later, her boyfriend walked over. Spoiler, he was not thrilled about have to move to another table. It also dawned on me that the four empty liters of beer, were empty soles because of him.

He proceeded to yell and slur, “hey! Don’t talk to my girlfriend like that! Don’t be a jerk!”

My first thought was, “this is a strange way to impress a girlfriend by yelling at a bar trivia host.”

I am by no means a fighter, as my profile avatar may suggest. I could tell though, this more-than-drunk guy had the, “punch me in the face” expression and slant in his bloodshot eyes.

However, I will politely note, I feel like most people would comfortably be able to take a punch from this guy.

The positive part of this interaction, my face remained unpunched.

But as to the hostility, I was surprised, to say the least. I said something along the lines of, “I thought I was being pretty polite, but I apologize for startling her. I hope you all can have a good night.”

He acknowledged my apology and walked away…I should have left it at that.

As I went on the microphone to start my trivia set, I thought about how this man went out of his way to yell at me for asking his date to switch tables so I could host from my reserved table.

His anger anger made me feel like I needed to make a statement. I needed to take a stand for all bar weekday bar trivia hosts!

I made a point to call out to the “couple I evicted” that “I am a contractor, I don’t work for Prost, so if they are still upset please do not take that out on Prost. It was ‘F-Jeff’ not ‘F-Prost’ moment.”

Immediately, the boyfriend summoned a waitress. My shoulders sunk. I went over to her to ask…”so that was about me?”

“Yeah, don’t worry about it. They want another apology, but you don’t have to,” the waitress responded.

I said, “no, this is on me.” My thought reverted to me recognizing that I should have taken the early win, especially when interacting with an angry, middle-of-the-week drunk guy.

I walked over to the table and once again apologized.

The boyfriend actually seemed embarrassed, and said he might have overreacted in the first place…obviously.

Later that evening, the couple eventually stumbled out of the bar. A team of trivia regulars came kindly told me, “you’re a saint. Those two were the worst.” Needless to say, I agreed.

Despite the couple’s threats to the bar staff, a bad review for Prost was never posted.

So I feel like I did my duty. No pun intended.

By Jeff G

In other organizations Jeff would be known as the Managing Editor. However at Poopable, he is the Head Creative Poo (HCP). His online writing has received hundreds of millions of views. Thankfully he has not had nearly as many bathroom breaks. Jeff prefers his bathroom clean and tranquil, which is ironic considering the amount of time he spends in dive bars.

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