“Poop Like a Champion”
The staff at Poopable were almost speechless when we stumbled across this bathroom and digestive track savior. That’s right… You can, “Poop Like a Champion!”
Let’s be honest, Tis the season of cramming all sorts of holiday food and drink into our gullets. Perhaps the purpose is to tolerate the required family gatherings or maybe it’s your end-of-the-year gluttony prior to a get fit for 2024 resolution. Regardless, during this time of the year, a pooper’s stomach must be turning over and in need of some time on the porcelain throne.
Your eyes are not deceiving you as the name of this company is mentally processed or digested…

Poop Like a Champion is indeed a real company! Branded as, “the highest fiber cereal on the market,” a pooper can receive over half of the daily recommended dose of fiber with just one bowl. Kudos to these poop-friendly entrepreneurs for ingenuity as well as creativity.
Cinnamon toast flavor while keeping you regular? Two bowls please!
The company boast multiple flavors that include honey graham and cocoa. For those poopers out there with environment and dietary concerns, the cereal is non-GMO, keto friendly and gluten free. So what is really stopping you?
A box of Poop Like a Champion’s cereal isn’t going to hurt your wallet and according to various outside reviews, they’re flushing toward five-star territory.
According to Poop Like a Champion, their cereal is “perfect for poopers who want to improve their gut health or want to poop more consistently.” Possessing a almost mirror-image mantra, The staff at Poopable are currently wondering why our pooper-friendly organizations have yet to collaborate in the past.
Regardless, Poop Like a Champion is a great stocking stuffer and will without any doubt be the gift that keeps on giving by ending post-holiday party constipation. And what is worse than having to suffer through one of you crazy cousin’s conspiracy theories… Constipation.
Is Poop Like a Champion Poopable?
Obviously! The cereal is affordable and provides an important health benefit. Millions of American poopers suffer from regular constipation. This issue is further amplified by binge eating or drinking during the holidays.
Start your day with a bowl of their cereal, pair it with some fruit and by the afternoon the purchase will have been well worth the accompanying flush and clean wipe.
Do you have some thoughts on Poop Like a Champion? Do you have recommendations on other fiber-packed products? Comment below or shoot us a note! We would love to hear from you and share your tale.