People having a toilet paper fight.

Invest in something we all do everyday!

The staff at Poopable are always trying to dig-up the scoop on what is out there in the potty universe. There are some real stinkers out there and we make it a point to filter out the noise and and let you know what we can certify as Poopable.

These products have been utilized, ingested and then potentially flushed down the commode allowing us to affirmatively stamp a Poopable seal of approval. Here are some of our top recommendations from January!

Steve-O’s Hot Sauce for your Butthole

Steve-O's hot sauce for your butthole.
Hot sauce can essentially be used on everything… make it memorable!

Considering the life and career of Steve-O, it’s safe to assume that trying his hot sauce will be an event to remember. Those who fear anytime of spice should avoid this product, however if you have the taste for spice and tangy, then this hot sauce should be perfect for you… and your butthole.

Burt’s Bees Dusting Powder

Burt's Bees Dusting Powder and Baby Powder
No one will know but you and your soft behind.

Poopable highly recommends all poopers to elevate the post-poop ritual with a splash or a spritz of baby powder. It’s 2024, there’s no need to feel weird that this product contains “baby” in the title. Poopers of all ages can experience its soothing grace.

Each bottle is easily good for roughly 50 post-dumps and it’s not going to break the bank. A three-pack is reasonably priced on Amazon.

Boudreaux’s Butt Paste

Boudreaux’s Butt Paste
Think of it as tooth paste for your butt!

Boudreaux’s Butt Paste likely gained the same amount of raised eyebrows and laughter as when you first heard of a website called “Poopable.” But their paste is a well-known and trusted brand among parents for managing and preventing diaper rash in infants, young children and themselves!

Parent poopers will appreciate the absence of harsh ingredients or dyes in the paste. Boudreaux’s Butt Paste understands that less is more when it comes to soft butts.

Cottonelle Ultra Comfort Toilet Paper with Cleaning Ripples Texture

Cottonelle Ultra Comfort Toilet Paper with Cleaning Ripples Texture
What are cleaning ripples? Your cleansed butt will answer this question!

Cottonelle is a foundational brand in the TP racket. Their butt-wiping paper stands by their claim that it will “leave you comfortably dry with premium softness…”

“Who Gives a Crap” – Toilet Paper 

Toilet paper
This company and toilet paper gives a crap about you and the environment!

This bamboo toilet paper actually feels just as good as the company’s environmentally conscious vision. Lest all ye poopers forget, the branding will definitely make this a conversation starter for any house guests!

The staff at Poopable hope all the poopers out there find these suggestions and recommendations poopable as well. If you’re curious about other products we have tinkered with in the past, feel free to check out our Potty Products category.

Do you have recommendations on other potty products? Comment below or shoot us a note! We would love to hear from you and share your tale.

By Neil

Neil launched Poopable in 2023, making him the Poo Poo Presidente. After overcoming childhood public restroom anxiety, one of his proudest accomplishments is relieving himself on six continents and over two-dozen countries. His preferred bathroom includes a neutral scent, double ply toilet paper and a strong industrial flush. His trade secret to making any restroom poopable – baby wipes.