A nervous guy in the hospital.

Man undergoes surgery after over two decades of NO relief!

Constipation, though often dismissed as a temporary inconvenience, can sometimes lead to severe consequences if left untreated.

A recent case from China highlights the potential dangers of prolonged constipation, as a man endured 22 years of discomfort before finally seeking medical attention and undergoing major surgery.

The individual chose to remain anonymous… not surprised

The patient had battled constipation since childhood, finding little relief from over-the-counter laxatives. Dr. Yin Lu, from the 10th People’s Hospital of Shanghai, described the patient’s condition as resembling that of a woman in advanced pregnancy upon initial examination.

Upon further investigation, Dr. Yin Lu discovered the astonishing truth: the man had accumulated a lifetime’s worth of fecal matter in his colon.

In a three-hour surgical procedure in 2017, 30 inches of his colon were removed to alleviate the issue. The swollen colon weighed a staggering 29 pounds, indicative of the severity of the condition.

The diagnosis revealed that the man suffered from Hirschsprung’s disease, a rare condition affecting only one in every 5,000 live births.

This disorder arises when certain intestinal nerve cells fail to develop properly, causing a blockage of stool in the intestine and resulting in constipation. Serious complications such as enterocolitis, characterized by fever, pain and diarrhea can occur if left untreated.

Symptoms of Hirschsprung’s disease vary but may include failure to pass stool within 48 hours of birth, abdominal bloating, vomiting, fever and persistent constipation. While some individuals may exhibit symptoms from birth, others, like the man in this case, may experience onset later in life.

The man admitted that he and his family overlooked his symptoms, dismissing them as insignificant. However, as he grew older, his concerns grew, eventually leading him to seek medical help and uncover the underlying condition.

If you can’t poop for more than a few days… GO SEE A DOCTOR!

This case serves as a stark reminder of the importance of addressing persistent constipation and seeking medical attention when necessary. Ignoring symptoms can lead to serious complications, as demonstrated by this individual’s decades-long struggle with untreated constipation.

Here are three effective ways to relieve constipation:

  • Increase Fiber Intake: Consuming a diet rich in fiber can help alleviate constipation by promoting regular bowel movements. Fiber adds bulk to stool, making it easier to pass through the digestive tract. Incorporate fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts into your daily meals.
  • Stay Hydrated: Adequate hydration is essential for maintaining healthy bowel function and preventing constipation. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps soften stool, making it easier to pass. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water daily and consider consuming hydrating fluids such as herbal teas, clear soups and fruit juices.
  • Exercise Regularly: Regular physical activity can stimulate bowel movements and alleviate constipation. Engage in moderate exercise for at least 30 minutes most days of the week, such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling, or swimming. Exercise helps promote muscle contractions in the intestines, which aids in moving stool through the digestive tract.

While constipation may seem benign, it is crucial to recognize when symptoms persist and seek appropriate medical care. Timely intervention can prevent complications and improve overall health and well-being.

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By Neil

Neil launched Poopable in 2023, making him the Poo Poo Presidente. After overcoming childhood public restroom anxiety, one of his proudest accomplishments is relieving himself on six continents and over two-dozen countries. His preferred bathroom includes a neutral scent, double ply toilet paper and a strong industrial flush. His trade secret to making any restroom poopable – baby wipes.