He also wants you to make 80K-a-year, which we’re not mad about.
Roger Wakefield has a name like a Major League Baseball player. Though instead of fielding grounders, he wants to help you crack the curves thrown at everyday homeowners.
His YouTube channel has over half-a-million subscribers, where he helps his regular viewers tackle DIY home projects, leveraging his 40-plus years of experience in the trades and most notably as a master plumber. His videos are helpful and tackle projects that the typical homeowner will most certainly have to navigate.
Wakefield’s channel is entertaining and informative. He certainly gives off the “wise old dad” vibe but without the, “what, they didn’t teach you this in college” tone. Handle bar mustaches can go angry and 80’s villain very fast, Wakefield has established himself as a kind resource for those that are capable and have a desire to learn.
The staff at Poopable are big fans of Wakefield because he is a major advocate for steering folks toward the trades, especially plumbing. Anyone that is advocating to keep fellow poopers pooping is a without any doubt a friend of Poopable.
His Instagram bio also has a useful information and a free download for those wanting to learn, “How to make 80K in the Trades.”

Influencers like Wakefield help highlight that our world often emphasizes traditional four-year college degrees, which is by no means a bad thing. However, it’s easy to overlook the tremendous opportunities that lie within the skilled trades.
The US economy is currently facing a myriad of challenges that have impacted its overall health and stability. The labor market has been significantly affected by the pandemic and its aftermath.
Many businesses faced financial strains and were forced to downsize or shut down, leading to widespread unemployment. Those who are unemployed have had to endure the rise in inflationary pressures. The increased costs of raw materials, supply chain disruptions, and pent-up consumer demand have driven up prices for goods and services.
While the US and global economy is facing numerous challenges at present, it’s important to note that economic conditions are dynamic and subject to change.
Despite economic turmoil, poopers still need to poop!
The trades and the flushable world of plumbing provide people with the knowledge and skills to provide a service to a market demand that is predicated from our biological functions. Can you say job security?!
Poopable wants to give a plunger salute to Roger Wakefield for his advocacy and support for the field. He recently showcased the story of how a stay-at-home mom found opportunity and a calling in the plumbing field. This is an outstanding example of how anyone with a desire to learn and fix everyday problems can be successful.
Pursuing a career in the trades, particularly plumbing, may not always be the obvious choice for people. It presents an array of advantages, opportunities, and lucrative side hustles.
Job security and financial stability are top-of-mind topics, spanning across all generations and demographics. Plumbing and the trades offers a pathway to financialy rewarding careers and a results-oriented profession.
So, if you’re wallowing in your career, tired of your leaking shower, or considering different options, check out Wakefield’s channel and don’t overlook the plumbing trade—the pipes of opportunity are waiting to be explored!
Did you make a career change to the trades? Poopable wants to hear from you and tell your story! Drop a comment on the article below or click over to the contact page and send us a note!