two astronauts hugging

Poopable Wants Ari Shaffir to Poop… Regularly!

The Podcast king Joe Rogan recently discussed popular comedian, Ari Shaffir’s odd disdain for pooping with Brian Redban on the Joe Rogan Experience.

Ari Shaffir’s anti-pooping topic of conversation was mentioned in a comical exchange between the two comedians around the 2-hour and 5-minute mark of the show. 

“Oh my God, I love pooping!”

The Poopable staff obviously agree with Brian Redban. We love pooping too as well as salute his support for the natural, enlightening bodily function.

Apparently, Shaffir was also featured on the Your Mom’s House podcast where he discussed that pooping was a “waste of time,” according to the JRE producer, Jamie Vernon. 

“So, he just held his poop in?”

Even Rogan was surprised by his long-time friend’s opinion on pooping, “how could you do that?”

Rogan, Vernon and Redbab further discussed the oddity of their friend’s peculiar habit.

The Young Jamie, as refered to by fans of the show explained that “he [Shaffir] forced himself to be constipated, he would sh*t like once-a-week or something,” 

“How are you doing it for days? It seems really deadly,” stated the perplexed podcast host.

“How long can you hold your poop in?”

The staff at Poopable are fans of Ari Shaffir’s comedy, however we are all now collectively concerned about his butt-health. However, he still has nothing on our Jammin’ with Jeff columnist, who went an entire month clenching and likely sweating

Bearded man in sweater looking distressed

According to healthline, “a normal pooping frequency is anywhere from three times a day to every other day. Most people notice a pattern in their bowel habits. People tend to poop at about the same time each day.”

The staff at Poopable further discovered that the duration of time a person can go without having a bowel movement can vary depending on several factors, including individual differences, diet, hydration, and overall health. 

We just don’t recommend you follow our Jammin’ with Jeff columnist’s approach of going a full month holding it in. There’s wasting time, and there’s having a bad time.

In general, a healthy adults have a bowel movement anywhere from three times per day to three times per week.

However, if you’re a pooper out there experiencing a significant change in your bowel habits, such as prolonged periods without a bowel movement, it may be a sign of constipation or an underlying medical condition. 

Poopable does not support fecal impaction nor hemorrhoids!

If you’re concerned or experiencing discomfort, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional for an evaluation and professional, non-internet guidance.

Poopable support a balanced diet rich in fiber, ample hydration, and leading an active lifestyle. Incorporating or maintain these lifestyle choices will help promote regular pooping as well as support overall digestive health.

If Shaffir is holding in his poops for more than a week, medical science unanimously agrees that he may tun the risk of serious health issues like fecal impaction, hemorrhoids, or a bowel perforation. 

Hopefully Poopable’s advice gets to Shaffir. We want his butt happy and healthy so he can keep making us laugh. So, share this post as much as possible! A fellow pooper needs our support!

Have you ever had a rough experience with constipation?

Comment below or send us a note! The staff at Poopable will gladly help relieve you of such a heavy tale. We’ll turn it into a humorous learning lesson for all poopers to enjoy! 

By Neil

Neil launched Poopable in 2023, making him the Poo Poo Presidente. After overcoming childhood public restroom anxiety, one of his proudest accomplishments is relieving himself on six continents and over two-dozen countries. His preferred bathroom includes a neutral scent, double ply toilet paper and a strong industrial flush. His trade secret to making any restroom poopable – baby wipes.